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Pixpet is dying (7 Posts and 132 Views)

Jan 28th, 2021
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2 Years ago
May 16th, 2021 - 4:01 AM
Nr. 1 #40039
Am I the only one who sees it? I mean I used to log on multiple times a day, almost had a tab open all day and had a notification of some type every time, thats kinda why i left. I miss that.
Zenyatta's Signature
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Sep 1st, 2020
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2 Years ago
May 16th, 2021 - 4:15 AM
Nr. 2 #40042
i can understand too, i login 2+ times per day. hopefully everyone is nicely waiting for the adventure to come out and thats why the game is somewhat dead.
_poofycakes_'s Signature
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Mar 31st, 2021
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2 Years ago
May 16th, 2021 - 4:25 AM
Nr. 3 #40043
There are usually, at least, 15 people online a day. I don't consider that too bad. It's about to be summer in the states, so the activity might pick up. Lots of people will be out of school and have free time. Beyond that, the adventure mode is coming. I hold out hope that the site won't die. It's the most unique pet game I've ever joined. I love it.
Cyrinus's Signature

Jan 25th, 2019
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2 Years ago
May 16th, 2021 - 8:32 AM
Nr. 4 #40045
I feel like it is, it's just we have to wait so long. There were a lot of users before and a lot of them left before they got to see the adventure. I guess when the adventure releases people will come back.
icearashi's Signature

Sep 1st, 2020
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2 Years ago
May 16th, 2021 - 3:31 PM
Nr. 5 #40047
Quote by: @icearashi
I feel like it is, it's just we have to wait so long. There were a lot of users before and a lot of them left before they got to see the adventure. I guess when the adventure releases people will come back.

yeah we just have to wait.
_poofycakes_'s Signature
"if you can't name me 15 music genres, then u don't know music"

May 30th, 2019
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2 Years ago
May 16th, 2021 - 8:47 PM
Nr. 6 #40048 2
I left largely because managing each individual plant got to be a bit tiresome when I had very little time to play to begin with. Came back because this is a great thing to keep me awake when feeding my son in the night. Stuck around because it is fun.
I noticed it is a lot quieter here too, and I'm not in the discord. That's why I started up some of those forum games again and decided to start making art. Trying to be the change in the site I'd like to see.
Evianrei's Signature

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Jul 14th, 2019
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2 Years ago
May 17th, 2021 - 12:12 AM
Nr. 7 #40052 1
I think multiple reasons play into that.

At first you are limited what to do and later there is not enough to do but that what you do is pretty tiring (getting money, PPT, the timing for pumpkin flowers which i keep failing >:/ ) .

But you have to remember that this game is still in its baby shoes and many things are not implemented yet, like Adventure Mode.

But also some Quality of Life features like fertilizing/planting multiple slots (which i cant wait to have!!!) are missing

I have no doubt people will return once Adventure Mode is in, there is no petgame i know of that got that feature, so its just a matter of time and holding out
Yubelchen's Signature

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