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I'm Tired, It's Time To Leave (7 Posts and 157 Views)

Dec 13th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 27th, 2021 - 6:09 PM
Nr. 1 #43142
Okay so, This will probably be all over the place. I don't usually do this but I'd like to see this site eventually get tracktion and if my few thoughts could help, I'll give it a shot.

I signed up here fully expecting to stay long term but apparently I'm having a few too many issues. I feel like this site overall is decent, but thats it. Theres nothing I can look at or interact with and think "Wow this screams Pixpets, I see what they're going for!".

Everyday I log in and I'm done within a minute or so. Water, Hoard, 10 People clicks.
I feel like I have absolutely nothing to do and yet theres quite a few game functions here.
I don't quite get whats going on here, you want me to click pets but... I cant click pets, only profiles, that are LIMITED to 10 clicks only?? Only 1 egg click per profile? Why?
If I can't do mindless clicking, then what? Hoards take ages to complete/rest, plants grow for ages too, theres only so few things you can put in your house, forums are dead, minigames while good in quality theyre just too plain and boring to even care about getting better at them. Adventure might be the only interesting thing but even that, theres a lot of random chance and walls of text that seem, unimportant.

Speaking of walls of text, everywhere I go it's just that, text upon small text, it's incredibly hard for the eye to focus on whats actually important to pay attention to because everything is just so same-y. I've never had so much trouble finding what I need on a page before, normally I can just scan a page quickly and see the important thing "pop out" among the rest of the text but here I need to read every.single.thing.

I hope this doesn't sound too much like trash-talking this site, its not my intention but I must admit I am quite frustrated, I feel like I'm battling the site everyday and I'm just too tired to try anymore.
Donomah's Signature

Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Dec 27th, 2021 - 9:25 PM
Nr. 2 #43143
Aww, I never knew you personally but I'm sad to see you go. I guess this is further proof that Pixpet is indeed dying
Pudding2019's Signature

Nov 20th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 29th, 2021 - 6:38 PM
Nr. 3 #43187 2
Quote by: @Pudding2019
Aww, I never knew you personally but I'm sad to see you go. I guess this is further proof that Pixpet is indeed dying

Personally i wouldnt think the site is dying, Most web Adoptable games are like this. The only active ones are Flight Rising (and the infamous Pokefarm q, ew)

As the original poster mentioned, they don't have anything active to do on Pixpet. Pixpet is too passive for most people's tastes. There are only three arcade games and adventure can get repetitive. The only way you can progress is by waiting, and Speed up potions (known as Super potions, but eh) are only used in the spur of the moment, when you just can't wait. I don't think anyone really buys those because im order to actively progress you would need lots and lots of potions, which is an overall net loss; You're better off using that money to buy a bigger and better house!

Edit: my last paragraph went a bit off topic, oops.

Anyway, Im sad to see you being unhappy with your experience on this site, but this site is meant to be played passively, something to do when you have only 5-10 min of free time.
If you wish, you could post your pets and eggs off-site. It's how discovered pixpet, i clicked on a canisqua on someone's signature! Sites like these need their users to advertise! If you play any other Adoptable game, i recommend posting your pets in your signature there.
Labradorite's Signature

Jan 11th, 2022
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2 Years ago
Jan 11th, 2022 - 12:47 AM
Nr. 4 #43349
Yeah, um, I just joined this game and I don't quite get all this stuff either. I would probably be here after the finals, though.
Foulcat's Signature

Help my weird lab pets grow pls
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Apr 28th, 2018
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1 Year ago
Mar 31st, 2023 - 8:58 AM
Nr. 5 #45898 4
As someone who started visiting the site again after a few years, that’s actually what I appreciate about it. A small community, and a “low maintenance”.. other sites like Flight Rising want constant activity from their users and while I tried to get into it several times there was just..too much of everything and it also made me lose track of time. The last post is a year ago so I’m not trying to change the users’ minds or anything, just thinking out loud. I’d like pixpet to stay the way it is.
peper-moth's Signature

Sep 26th, 2018
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1 Year ago
Apr 1st, 2023 - 7:15 PM
Nr. 6 #45899 2
Aw thanks @peper-moth for the thoughts out loud :D
Hehe, we do what we can, ideally want to do more with the site but skeleton crew and all just takes time for us to get things and new features rolling XD
I'll keep in mind what you mentioned about low maintenance. ;) Thanks for supporting us through the years @ whomever is reading this <3
Early Adopter

Apr 28th, 2018
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Pixdex: 63
1 Year ago
Apr 2nd, 2023 - 2:29 PM
Nr. 7 #45913 1
And thank you for the kind reply <3 I totally get how much time it requires since even sites/games with large teams take a long time with adding new features and whatnot.
peper-moth's Signature
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