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Can you cycle potted plants? (4 Posts and 29 Views)
Topic Tags: cultivation, plant pots, gardening

Nov 7th, 2023
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 75
Pixdex: 79
5 Months ago
Nov 11th, 2023 - 10:14 AM
Nr. 1 #46379
I currently have used up all of my plant slots for the time being but I need to grow a different plant. But I don't want to destroy any of my plants, because they take a while to grow.
And when I was moving my stuff to my new house recently, I came up with something.

You see, you can put potted plants in your inventory.
So, theoretically, you can switch out one of your active plants with a new plant pot and plant a different plant without destroying the old one.
However, I don't know if the plants moved in your item inventory will wither or lose their grade when you don't water them (since they aren't in an active slot).

If anyone has any idea if this would work, it'd be appreciated! I'll probably end up doing it anyway, but I'm curious if anyone has done this before, and it'd be reassuring to know.
Thanks for reading, and have a lovely day!
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Sep 26th, 2023
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5 Months ago
Nov 11th, 2023 - 10:29 AM
Nr. 2 #46380 3
Hey @Celestronach, I hope it's ok that I reply here.

I've tried this, and it doesn't work. The plants in your inventory continue to take the plant slots of the house. :( Would be nice if it was a feature, though. The good news is that your plants will be frozen while they're in the inventory, so they won't wither or lose grades.

Maybe a mod could give a better answer?

Nov 7th, 2023
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 75
Pixdex: 79
5 Months ago
Nov 11th, 2023 - 10:30 AM
Nr. 3 #46381 1
Aw, that sucks. Thanks for letting me know!
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Mar 8th, 2019
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5 Months ago
Nov 11th, 2023 - 8:49 PM
Nr. 4 #46385 3
I'm not a mod, but I've seen that what Wind said is true. Planted plants in your inventory stay frozen and don't wither. It's useful when you want to go on a hiatus.
Any planted plants you remove from your house will continue to count towards your total planted plants count. Unfortunately, when you're at your max count allowed by your current house, destroying a plant is the only way to plant a new plant.
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