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Bug ReportAverage grades stacking issue (2 Posts and 15 Views)
Topic Tags: averaging, stack, stacking, grades, average
Site Artist

Aug 19th, 2019
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2 Months ago
Feb 14th, 2024 - 4:32 AM
Nr. 1 #46632 3
This is a minor issue and quite possibly has been brought up already but I wanted to highlight it again because if a fix for this exists, it would improve the averaging experience!

Description of the Bug:
Namely, I am talking about the somewhat specific scenario where you are using 98 items from a stack of 99 high grade items to average low grade items one by one, to ensure no grade loss when dealing with significantly lower grades. What happens is that you end up with many x1 stacks of the item despite them being the same grade, as they refuse to stack with each other for some reason.

That probably sounds a bit confusing so I made this image to help explain it a bit better:

Steps to reproduce:

What you need: A g100 stack of 99 of an item, and several of the same item in a grade below 100 (that isn't so low that it won't average to 100). Find them in the "average grades" page.

Now, select 98 of the items in the x99 stack, and 1 of the lower grade version of the item. Average them, and then repeat the process multiple times.

What should have happened?

A single new stack of the item should appear and slowly grow in size as more averaged items get added to it one by one.

What did happen?

Instead, the averaged items will appear in separate stacks of 1 and will not combine into a single stack despite having the same grade. They need to be manually stacked together.

My System:

In case it is relevant, I use Windows 11 with Firefox and Chrome, and Android mobile also with Firefox and Chrome.

Mar 8th, 2019
Posts: 116
Pixpets: 75
Pixdex: 68
2 Months ago
Feb 14th, 2024 - 8:37 AM
Nr. 2 #46634 1
I been dealing with this stacking quirk/bug for more than half a year, too, when averaging, and do things the exact same way as @/Lorienee

Windows 11+Chrome and Android+Chrome
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