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4 Years ago
Jul 3rd, 2019 - 11:02 PM
Nr. 10 #23261
I understand that you're just giving examples, but I'm still replying to your examples so that you understand you're not alone in your thinking. ^^ And we're always happy when someone cares about the game enough to take the time and effort to make suggestions, so thank you muchly c:

I wasn't saying that impatience was a bad thing, so I hope I didn't come off that way. It's just part of a play style, and I'd like to see us accommodate at least the most common play styles. The fact that we're still seeing concerns about hoard times despite the changes that have already been made means that we still haven't found a solution that works for those particular play styles. Of course, it's impossible to satisfy everyone, but I think your suggestion is a step in the right direction because one thing that people like about games (and often expect, these days) is flexibility with their gaming experience. Being able to choose a pet's hoard time, no matter how it works or what the drawbacks would be, would help with that. And of course there are going to be more minigames in the future, so I'm glad to see that you made a suggestion for one, because we could really use specific suggestions on how to make the game more engaging. I can't say what else the future has in store, but Komodo is constantly updating the game and listening to the most common suggestions, and you can be assured that "more activities" is the most common suggestion! It just takes time (and money, for anything that Komodo can't make himself) to implement them, but more activities are coming, slowly but surely.

To answer your question, a level 100 pet's hoard time is 1 day, 9 hours, and 20 minutes. Before hoard times were shortened, it was 2 days and 2 hours (30 minutes per level) for a while, and you might be surprised how many players at the time thought that was fair. The reason it was shortened was because we had a sudden influx of players who felt otherwise--which is fine, because playerbases change as they grow, and as I said I'd like to see us accommodate different play styles. Around the beginning of beta, a level 100's hoard time was 4 days (1 hour per level), although no one ever had to endure that because it was halved before anyone's pets reached that level.

Another common suggestion is regarding interactions. Some people feel that 6 a day isn't enough, me included, because that makes it hard to return interactions in a timely manner. There also used to be a pumpkin seed shortage, and people were exclusively using their egg-help interactions to get pumpkin seeds, which made it difficult for anyone to get SLVL interactions, but Komodo tweaked hoards so that pumpkin seeds are a much more common find now. I haven't heard from anyone who originally complained about that, so they must've liked the change, but it would still be nice to have more interactions for the first reason I mentioned. Infinite interactions are debatable, but one could say that you already have them, since unregistered users can interact. All you'd have to do is log out, use your unregistered interactions, clear your cookies for the past hour, and do it all over again, as much as you want. I've never tried it, but we don't have a rule against it (that I know of).

As for housing, unfortunately that's meant to take a long time, since it's one of the main goals of the game other than collecting pets. If you need tips on all of the different ways to make money in the game, this is a good thread.
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