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Apr 6th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Nov 17th, 2019 - 5:56 AM
Nr. 1 #32098 2
A few days ago, I was reading the thread "why does the auction system exist?", and there are quite a lot of passionate voices in that thread. As staff, we understand that the reason players raise concerns is because they care about the game and want to see it succeed, not because they're out to cause drama. However, also as staff, it can sometimes be hard to determine whether players are misunderstanding a game mechanic, criticizing something based on personal preference, or raising a valid concern. After all, we can't see from each other's gameplay perspectives. One thing that's clear, though, is that disillusionment with the auction system has become common, and we want players to know that they're being heard. So I've compiled this list as a way to make it easier for Komodo to see the community's suggestions about the auction system. That way, he can decide for himself if the auction system should be improved.

Please keep in mind that Komodo is currently working on Pixpet Adventure, so if/when he considers whether or not to improve auctions, it will most likely be after that's released and has undergone significant debugging. Additionally, we don't know how Pixpet Adventure will affect other aspects of the site once it's released, so some of these suggestions may become unneeded or require modifying.

These suggestions are open to discussion, and I'm more than willing to edit them or add more suggestions. Please remember to be constructive.

Community Suggestions

  • Implemented! Minimum bid increase. Several players have expressed irritation towards the +1 bid increase, both as buyers and sellers. Sellers are often inundated with auction notifications, only to find that each bid was +1 and they could've made more PC on the item through other means. Buyers take advantage of the +1 bid increase and snipeguard to win by unfair attrition, rather than by bidding reasonable amounts. Allowing sellers to set a minimum bid increase would force fair bidding and reduce snipeguard abuse. If this is implemented, ideally the minimum bid increase set by the seller would be clearly displayed on each auction.

  • Custom snipeguard. Fairly self-explanatory. Some players don't like the length of the current snipeguard, mostly because of what was explained in the previous suggestion. If this is implemented, ideally the snipeguard length set by the seller would be clearly displayed on each auction.

  • Alternate snipeguard suggestion: snipeguard automatically shortens after triggered a certain number of times. (From Rizlak's post) After snipeguard is triggered a certain number of times, reduce it to 5 minutes or something (make it very clear on the page that this will occur, "in X more bids, snipeguard will be reduced to Y minutes").

  • Minimum bid automatically increases by X% after the snipeguard is triggered. (From Rizlak's post) People intent on getting the best deal will have to actively engage in the bidding, and there's less reason to wait if you're willing to bid higher.

  • Auto-bidding/set max bid. This would be an option for buyers who are asleep while an auction happens, or simply don't have the time to babysit an auction. Being able to set your max bid, and letting the game auto-bid for you based on the minimum bid increase for that auction, would at least allow players to have a chance at winning an auction even if they can't be present for it.

  • Anonymous bidding + winner not shown (except to the winner). As we've seen, not everyone is able to view the competitive nature of auctions as something they shouldn't take personally, let alone consider enjoyable. But if you don't know who's bidding against you, this reduces the resentment towards other players that can arise with auctions. While it's true that you could probably still find out who's bidding against you via Discord because people often discuss what they're bidding on, it would still be beneficial to have this feature. Not everyone uses Discord or the forums, and at the very least it would help to devenomize a game mechanic that breeds animosity among some in the community.

  • Implemented! Instant buy option, or usershop search function. Much of the frustration with auctions stems from the simple fact that you have to wait for them, and with players' busy lives and varying time zones, not everyone can babysit auctions. By adding an instant buy option for auctions, or a search function for usershops, this would relieve a lot of stress for players. Also, pretty much every petsite has some form of instant buy with a search function, and they haven't burned to the ground. The major downside of this is that auctions would be used less. Of course, then we'd have to go into the debate of "Why would that be a bad thing?"

    Some good suggestions offered by Klaora to retain the appeal of auctions if a usershop search function is implemented:

              1. Limit usershop items by rarity and type.
              2. Tax the usershop.
              3. Increase auction slots.

  • Shorter auction times. Similar reason as instant buy option.

  • Implemented! When placing items or eggs on the market/usershop, the price parameter should have the sellback price entered by default, instead of 0. This would help inform players who unknowingly price items and eggs for less than the sellback price.

Staff/My Suggestions

  • Increase the auction tax to 10% to curb the current PC inflation. Or add another type of PC sink, such as a server marketplace, similar to the basic ingredients shop. This is the type of suggestion that may be affected by Pixpet Adventure when it's released, but we're not sure how much.

  • Filter auctions by ending during custom time parameters. This is for the people who miss the end of an auction because of their time zone (so, everybody). Being able to filter auctions by specific end time ranges might help with some of that. Of course, in some situations it could also just filter out the only auction that's selling what you need, but it may still be useful to have this.

  • Increase auction slots significantly (15 - 30).
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Last edited by BK47, Mar 12th, 2020 - 1:21 AM
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