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Dec 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 4th, 2019 - 4:43 AM
Nr. 157 #3907 3
I only skimmed this thread so forgive me for repeating if someone had already mentioned it.

As a new player, my first goal was to buy a new house to get more pets to send to hoards and get the game pick up pace for me. When I looked at the Buy New House page, I see the base price listed and assumed that that's the price I have to go for at least. I didn't check further the first time, so when I saved up for the 250, I was slightly frustrated (mostly confused) when the house wasn't actually the base price but 1030 total.

The thing that got me was I couldn't buy the house at the base price. I had assumed that maybe I could buy it at the base price and upgrade per block, based on how the stat table is laid out with the "20PC/10PC per block". Quite discouraged that I couldn't do that, and felt mislead. Maybe I'm getting ahead of a system to place later, but it's just a tad misleading and kinda frustrating. I'd recommend just putting the total price instead of the base price for now.

It's been a slow grind for money, especially since I'm not much of a forum interaction person and I haven't really been lucky in terms of hoard returns and auctions (since it's a new market, all natural course of a game). I have no issues grinding and building money, but I personally think it would be better to just be upfront about the total price instead of listing the base price without the option to buy it and scale up slowly as you go.
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