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Jan 12th, 2019
Posts: 83
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3 Years ago
Mar 19th, 2021 - 1:02 PM
Nr. 26 #39391 1

Hmm, thank you for such a detailed response!
That explains a bunch.

I still feel that the auction of eggs undermines the pixies collection the same way this would.
I, and a number of others here don't have the ability to sit and wait for a specific hour to have an auction end, so it's frustrating to even try sometimes. We were actually suggesting one or two trades a week, or even less, so it wasn't a major means of filling the 'dex, just a Wayne to give/get special gifts for some, or in my case, a way to buy a certain IDd egg from a user. (I was arguing for once a month, I'm really not wanting this as a major component, just for flavor on the really challenging ones.)

I feel the legendary argument goes out the window when they can be auctioned. Someone just bought a Snowko for 170? PC? And the only reason I wasn't more a part of that auction to try and fill my 'dex gap, was because it ended at the wrong time for me, I wasn't available. So if the legendaries are auctionable, I would argue they should be sellable too. The price would likely be the same, since the seller would still want that.
As it rests now, I guess legendarys are easy to get for people who can afford to use RL money to support, or purchase currency. And rare for most others, until we amass the currency to buy a big house/have lots of pets going out/have been on long enough or have enough time/hoards returned that we get them. Which is what it's supposed to be, I do get that. But if they can be auctioned, I feel they should be able to be sold player to player, especially if there is a serious time restriction on the P2P selling. (I actually got into this because of a fluffpaxa I think, so my legendary argument was just about concept until that Snowko incident, which I was willing to pay 400PC for (going rate on the market), but was unable to.)

Anyway, point being, I don't think everyone here wanted this to fill the dex, (although I'm sure some did/do/would use it for that) a bunch of us wanted it other for a specific egg, or for the P2P interaction, hence the gifting aspect. The Adventure side won't fix that, so I'm still supporting getting this implemented.

Soooo, thoughts? XD

I should say that the improvements I've seen since I got back do really help streamline things a bit, so I am really happy that feedback is being listened to and implemented! And that it's nice to come back and find a host of new pets to try and find! (I'm brewing like crazy, but it takes so long! To get the color and pixpet potions to send on hoards. And trying to save for a better plant/pumpkin house)
And the arcade games, ok, well, Roodoku, is awesome! The other two don't work for me, I'm on an iPad always, but the Roodoku does, so I'm thrilled about that! And the music is lovely and soothing. I'm just really excited about it. ^_^

Thanks again for your very detailed explanation of why you see this not having happened yet/why it might not ever. I hope my response is ehhh, useful? In some regard? I'm definitely still of the mindset I was in the beginning of this, which is that I want to work with understanding of the goals/aims Komodo is working towards, but filling in a gap some players sorely want(ed) filled. (And also trying to keep in mind that with one or so coders?, it's a lot to keep the site fresh, and so these things are not always a main priority.)

Looking forward to your thoughts!
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