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Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 417
Pixpets: 262
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1 Year ago
Nov 10th, 2022 - 3:38 PM
Nr. 1 #45528 8
Hi Players,

This announcement is to inform you that over the next couple of days you MIGHT experience slow down on the site as due to the changes from the server provider, we have to change how the forum imaging works. Don't be alarmed if you notice broken images in the forum over the next couple days as we work to implement a fix.

Essentially, we will have to purge the server of the images that link back to your pixpet as we unfortunately have to purge the folder of the current images (basically too many images and currently being unused and the server provider is not happy about the large number of files used eheh.)

That doesn't mean that we're removing the feature completely. After deliberating for awhile, we have decided to address this with the following method; see the image below. For players interested in still linking back to their pixpets and such, please click the buttons offered to create the respective links that you would like to use for that specific pixpet.

We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!
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