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Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 422
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1 Year ago
May 31st, 2023 - 8:28 PM
Nr. 1 #46033 8
Hi Players!

As Spring time ends, Vernavre has returned to the Mythic Isles as it's job to watch over Spring is is done. However, marking the end of Spring is also the beginning of Summer. (Note : Vernavre will be heading back to the Isles at 12AM PST so some additional time before it flies off.)

The Ignix has arrived to Welcome Summer. And it seems to have brought along a strange little friend to boot! It's the Loppani.

Two new pixpets have emerged!?

The Ignix will be available through the Summer months of June, July & August and return to the Mythic Isles when it is time for it to go. While the Loppani on the other hand is not a seasonal special and will be available year round.

A couple of new pixinytes have also been discovered. Wonder what they could be?

@squidslugs' & @pio's contest entries for wallpaper and flooring sets have been added to hoards.

@squidslugs' Aquarium Coral Reef Set.

@pio's Kinder Set.

Apologies for the wait, the Evo Quest for Kinflame has been added to the Adventure mode. You may begin the quest at Watch Tower Delta under the right conditions...

A new game is under development (along side the hinted at food themed one).

Bug fixes:
Bamsters rarity was reset, it is available year round now.
Vernavre's WU range has been adjusted.
Edit: There was an error with Ominous Silk causing Vivid Kinflame to not evolve. Existing silks in player inventories have been replaced with a new one that should work. We apologize for the trouble. To prevent the issue from further happening we had to deactivate the Silk on hoards, it will be available from the adventure mode. Thank you for your understanding!

We're still a little backlogged on stuff to finish up so the next contest will probably be in the upcoming month.

Also, we are seeking the following roles:

-Pixel artist as we further develop the apparel and skin system we could use the extra pixpower.
If interested for more information, please contact us at pixwriting @ gmail.com. (no spaces)

-Writer, if you think you have the writing chops to help us expand further on adventure mode.
If interested, for more information please contact us at pixwriting @ gmail.com (no spaces)

Thank you for your continued support of Pixpet as always <3
~The Pixpet Team
Last edited by Cherche, Jun 14th, 2023 - 9:39 PM
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