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Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 16th, 2019 - 6:12 AM
Nr. 221 #5830 2
Is it possible to make certain items unauctionable/unsellable?

To explain further, I've seen auctions a couple of times for the basic cooking ingredients found here - pixpet.net/game.php?section=buy_ing

Not to accuse anyone of trying to take advantage of anyone (heck, some people might forget where they got X basic item and just chuck it up for auction for $), but I have seen some people bidding on these items for more than you can just buy them for from the site... There isn't a limitation on how many of these items you can buy, or any kind of restriction on who can buy them so I don't think there is much use for them being put up for auction.

I think it would be nice if you, at the very least, couldn't auction these items so no newbie mistakenly buys them because they see it's needed to cook something, but doesn't realize they can just buy it for much cheaper from that page. Once the PC/SPC/Ticket transfer system is live for everyone, there really isn't much reason to be able to put them into shops either. Right now I guess they can be used as a cheap way for artists/whoever to be able to receive PC for commissions if they don't have access to the direct transfer system.

I would say the same might should go for the "failed"/unusable ingredients (aka these pixpet.net/forum.php?section=posts&t=564&title=Game-Guides---%26ldquo%3BSecret%26rdquo%3B-Recipes---warning%2C-spoilers-inside%21). I remember I once almost bought a "Water in a Flask" from a shop when I was first playing because I saw it was cheap and it sounded like something that might be useful (+ I hadn't seen anyone else selling it so thought it might be rare).

Just small things like this I think would be nice so newbies aren't taken advantage of or get frustrated when they realize they bought something actually useless (beyond decorations in terms of the failed items) or something legitimately overpriced (since the price is set by the site).

EDIT: I just thought another way to help this might also to be to add description to items, especially the failure items, so it's very clear that they do nothing but act as decorations if you so choose, and that they're very easy to make yourself. Or something like that!
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I go by Valtien or Weisk!toyhouse | Weisk#1530
Last edited by Valtien, Jul 3rd, 2019 - 2:09 AM
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