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Feb 11th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 29th, 2019 - 9:46 AM
Nr. 278 #7547 1
Quote by: @Valtien
Quote by: @Xazz
As someone who only has two slots for hoarding and only three pets total I don't really.... Get the point of an egg sink? Most people I see have only like 3-4 pets. I think you guys are just seeing it as people who already have a lot but... I still get excited by eggs. I get excited by capsules too. I also don't want to buy eggs. I want to find them in hoards.

You gotta put it into the perspective that not everyone is in the same spot as you. There are a lot of people, myself included, who are at the point that they have multiples of eggs they don't need/want because they've been hunting for a specific egg. Colour groups that include legendaries have eggs that won't be removed from the possible hoard pulls with a Grade 100 Rarity Excluder potion (at 100G, it removes 33% and up rarity items/eggs/etc). So for those players, like myself, who have been using these potions to hunt for rarer/legendary eggs, we have a bunch of eggs that we don't need.

Selling them isn't really a thing anymore, the market is very oversaturated with people selling similar eggs that they've received, so we're mostly just sitting on a bunch of eggs no one wants. Having an egg sink increases the demand for eggs, and can jumpstart a kind-of-dead egg market.

Having an egg sink creates demand where there is none, and allows players who are sending multiple pets on hoards and getting multiple eggs back that they don't need, something to do with those eggs.

I think adding onto this it's worth mentioning that this game has only really been open to players to use for only a couple of months, and if this is already a problem, what's it going to be like a year down the line? Eggs will essentially become worthless. Most people have 3/4 eggs/pets only 1 or 2 months after launch, there's people already with nearly completed pixdexs and while it's not a problem right now as the game basically just came out it's definitely a long term issue to look into.
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