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5 Years ago
Feb 5th, 2019 - 5:11 PM
Nr. 3 #8364
Helian the Indigoat//HPA Headquarters//Interacted with Hachi

A lone figure could be seen walking languidly down the road, approaching the building called ‘HPA Headquarters’. The closer he got the slower he moved, practically dragging his hooves on the dirt by the time the entrance came into view.
The indigoat paused briefly before entering the silent building.

Helian kept his languid pace as he made his way towards the meeting room, the quiet atmosphere making him wonder if they had decided to cancel the trip without giving out a notice in advance.

Those thoughts quickly vanished when he spotted a brown sunobra dozing off on a black and gold pillow. It seems like he was just early.

He approached the sunobra, who he guessed was the ‘Hachi’ they told him to meet, greeted her briefly and then left to find himself a seat. Resting to calm his nerves before everyone arrived seemed like a great idea.
Last edited by karasup, Feb 5th, 2019 - 5:12 PM
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