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Dec 27th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 6th, 2019 - 9:47 PM
Nr. 24 #8531
Zipper the Rootax || HPA Headquarters || Interacting with Helian and Yuga (@karasup, @wifflesnuf)

Zipper meanwhile stared at the fluffpaxa in silence for a few seconds as similar worries came into his mind. Or well, more like he was more worried about their glittery friend's safety than their own. "Uh, glitter rope? I didn't know they could do that..." He wasn't the most book smart pixpet, but he had a hard time truly believing that, to be honest.

"Uh, well, dude, it's great that you're enthusiastic but I don't think the jungle is quiiiiite what you think it is." Not even close, most likely. But maybe there were some pink and black flowers or fruits? Or bugs? Who knows. "I mean, it sounds awesome for an adventure, anyway! I never been to or seen a jungle before, but I heard it's like...forests, but wilder! All sorts of exotic critters and plants are probably there just waiting to be found!" He could already imagine the look on his human's face when he brings back some rare goodies. But "exotic" creatures and plants also mean potentially dangerous ones, he at least knew, so his toned down his excitement a bit as he just smiled at the pink alpaca. "So you know...maybe stick close to everyone if you're gonna go in like that. Hey, maybe we could probably use ya as a flashlight!"

Chuckling a bit at his own joke for a moment, Zipper extended his paw out for the fluffpaxa to shake. "You got a name, pal? Mine's Zipper."
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