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Featureauto items (1 Post and 13 Views)

Apr 28th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 22nd, 2021 - 12:51 AM
Nr. 1 #39846
ok so this is something lots of people have asked for and discussed, this is my hot take on how to implement auto “farming” items (I say farming but really any sort of grinding you have to do manually)

How to get-
I think that any of the auto items should cost either ppt (more the the given amount for new players to prevent early disingament) or a very high amount of spc (im talking about 5000 or so because the -current- most expensive house is 100000 pc or 4000 spc, witch i know is hard to get, kinda the point lol) effectively making auto items a late game item just like the larger houses. If someone has been playing pixpets long enough to build up that kinda cash its fair to assume they will continue to come back even after automation is implemented, because they most likely enjoy other aspects of the game. On the other hand if the auto item are bought with ppt it would mean that a player is willing to invest real world currency into the game, something most casual players wouldn't do, implying they intend to keep up with the game to make the most of their investment. And even if a player is an outlier from that, well the devs still get money which is coolieo.

How to use-
This is also a key implement to my take on the autos, F U E L, witch in essence would work similarly to the standing watering system. Auto items will only run if fuled, witch will prevent abuse of said auto items, because the player would still need to check in every (few- depends on the fule grade) day to refill the auto items to keep daily cite hits up.
Now fuel could ither be “crafted” using the cooking system. My suggestion would be to classify already existing items into focal fuel (ie, stone egg, amber, any crystals/rocks, ext) the rarity of the used item will provide different grades of (new item) oil cans. (witch would also give secondary use to otherwise obsleet items, you dont need that many evo bars once ur pets are all evolved) oil could be refined in a similar way combining seeds. Oil would then be sent to position making and be mixed with water and probably some other stuff (idk what brains already running at full capacity). This would be the first way of getting fule and “cheeper” way of it.

Or it can be bought for (1-3) ppt, encouraging purchases but still not making it mandatory. (no one likes a pay to play) the whole fuel would also offer ways for players to make pc as old players would buy from newer ones who have no need for the fuel other then hoarding it for later, for a fair sum, but still cheeper to buy directly from the survey making both involved parties happy.
Any auto planters would use highest-lowest grade of pumpkin seeds. (i dont think their should be one for normal plants)
this next part might be a little too much nerfing but its just another failsafe to prevent abuse, but i honestly could go either way on this one, auto items only effect the room they are in.(should probably make the cost less if this become a part of the m.o., also would only effect some of the auto tools)
Posible tool management tab

Adds automation to make it satisfying (ikd bout yall but i freaking love automation in games, makes me feel like the engineer i probably will never be, super satisfying) and less repetitive (good for younger players and/or impatient ones), provides more endgame content, will reduce complaints/frustration about plants dying, also cute robot friends :Dc

Cons- possible abuse, possible disinterest,

Counters to posible cons- various nerfs iv discribed, not realy a counter to disntrest othen they keep something non auto,


Auto feeder(feeds pixpets, you would still have to send them out tho i think)

Auto planter(plants seeds- can set priority colors/types)

Auto waterer(waters plants)

Auto harvester(gathers plant products)

Auto converter(turns any pumpkins into food)

Auto combiner(combines seeds)

Auto avrager(averages all graded items other then nulls cuz they're pseudo collectibles)

Auto destroyer(destroys ded plants)

Bad idea ones tho- auto collector (removes interaction with the pets, make the game soulless), auto opener(personal i enjoy opening the capsules myself, it provides the same sorta thing as gacha toys, be a shame to get rid of that), auto hoarder(also removes interaction with the pets, make the game soulless), auto cooker(hostly could work but alot of codeing for the devs and might not be worth it, also theres a kind hands on pride of making crap so that be gone), auto login (soooo abuable, im in favor of the login chain pauser myself uwu)
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