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Kyle, his friend Jen, and the ever-present-omniscient-non-corporeal entity (23 Posts and 88 Views)
Topic Tags: Kyle, his friend Jen, and the ever-present-omniscient-non-corporeal entity

Apr 28th, 2020
Posts: 168
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Pixdex: 42
2 Years ago
Jan 20th, 2022 - 10:47 PM
Nr. 21 #43582 2
Jen replied sadly "oh kyle my old friend i am sad to see this in you." loud chimes began to ring as jens eyes closed. the shadows began turning into light all around them as each tintinnabulation became amplified. opening her eyes, now blindingly white Jen said "when the elders at cult-camp told me of your transgressions I had not believed them... i would not believe them, but alas now you and I stand at the epicenter of a world soon reborn-" the bright shadows began to contort wildly into a frenzy as jen spoke her last "- but it shant be reborn a child of darkness."

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
Pixpets: 68
Pixdex: 70
2 Years ago
Jan 21st, 2022 - 1:25 AM
Nr. 22 #43588 2
“Indeed it shall. A world for the monsters, with the humans gone. Alternatively, they are struggling, or perhaps the slaves of the monsters.” As though sensing Jen’s next thought, he cracks an inhumanly wide grin and says, “I am not human, Jennifer. I am one of the monsters. Care to see my true form?” Without waiting for her reply, he starts to become disfigured, the structure of his body changing slowly. His bones crackle and fall into place. After the transformation, in front of her stands a monstrous creature: a Xeldron.
Pudding2019's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
Posts: 98
Pixpets: 148
Pixdex: 159
1 Year ago
Apr 13th, 2023 - 11:02 PM
Nr. 23 #45957 2
Jen's eyes widened as she faced the creature's terrific grace. The blood was pumping through her veins at a speed she didn't even know was possible "But, Kyle, you're not the only one who came back changed." Her eyes were staring to glow, as her did her fingertips, and soon enough, more and more of her body begun to shine "While you were partying back here and undergoing your transformation, I have studied the blade: I have unlocked the power of every cult member before me! I have the power to slay you, foul creature of the night!!!!" She almost roared.

I hope you guys don't mind me butting in but this is so funny I'd hate to see it die))
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