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NewsFeb Contest Winners 2023 + an Extra (5 Posts and 229 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: Contest, Art, Pixpet

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 422
Pixpets: 262
Pixdex: 60
1 Year ago
Mar 23rd, 2023 - 5:23 PM
Nr. 1 #45860 8
Hey Players!

Without further ado as the participants have been anxiously waiting, the winners for the Decoration contest are:

(We love the idea behind this Cheesy Heart bundle. The slight oriental meets alice in wonderland feel of it is very unique. We know these will look great on the site!)
(We love the kitchen theme going on here, the hanging aprons are chef's kiss.)
(not really a set, but we loved the ideas behind the items and think they will make a great addition to the site) & @KingSpinosaurus
(we ain't doing all 29 okay O_O)

Honorable Mention: @Starsight (Definitely a good reason to draw something other than cats, we'll be sending you a participation prize as well.)

Thank you for participating, we hope more players will take part next time.

:D Prizes will be sent out over the next 24 hours. All Prizes have been handed out. A couple of items have been made available to the playerbase but are not easy to attain.

We are also releasing Vivid Cabywara with this news post and you may now encounter it in Adventure mode.

See you at the end of the month for further news!
Site Artist

May 4th, 2022
Posts: 46
Pixpets: 121
Pixdex: 115
1 Year ago
Mar 23rd, 2023 - 5:39 PM
Nr. 2 #45861 1
OMG!!!! Thank you so much! I’m so happy you guys like it πŸ˜³πŸ’•πŸ™
Congratulations to the other winners as well, really looking forward to collect your pieces 😍

Nov 21st, 2022
Posts: 37
Pixpets: 49
Pixdex: 18
1 Year ago
Mar 23rd, 2023 - 6:42 PM
Nr. 3 #45862 2
Congrats everyone!
Vicktorious09's Signature
Early Adopter

Jan 28th, 2018
Posts: 5
Pixpets: 163
Pixdex: 94
1 Year ago
Mar 24th, 2023 - 12:42 PM
Nr. 4 #45864 1
oh nice! congratulations everyone, i love me some heart decor

Oct 5th, 2022
Posts: 8
Pixpets: 45
Pixdex: 52
1 Year ago
Mar 25th, 2023 - 2:52 AM
Nr. 5 #45868
oh-- thank u so much!!

(just spent the last hour trying to get a vivid cabywara how hard can it be??? XD)
Starsight's Signature
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