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Bug ReportUnable to see Pixpets past page 5 of Pixpet inventory (2 Posts and 33 Views)

Jan 18th, 2019
Posts: 57
Pixpets: 123
Pixdex: 155
1 Year ago
Sep 23rd, 2023 - 6:55 AM
Nr. 1 #46228
Description of the Bug: I opened my Pixpet inventory to look at one of my older Pixpets and found that I couldn't, because my page count stops at 5, instead of continuing on to at least a 6th page. This means I am unable to take any actions with any unplaced Pixpets beyond the 100 it allows me to see. My inventory also claims that I only have 95 Pixpets total, but when I listed an egg I got recently for auction, a previously hidden Pixpet reappeared at the very end of the 5th page. Counting through my placed Pixpets, the "# Placed" value should actually say 21 Placed, not 13 Placed. Pictures for reference (the second count is off by 2 due to a separate bug).

Steps to reproduce: Unsure, beyond opening the Pixpet Inventory and only seeing 5 available pages, when there should be more. Additionally, attempting to force my inventory to load the 6th page (by entering it in the "Page: # Go" section or through the URL) simply takes me to the 5th page.

What should have happened? My inventory should display at least 6 pages of Pixpets and allow me to access this last page.

What did happen? No 6th page is listed, preventing me from looking at unplaced Pixpets over the limit it allows me to see (ending at 100 max on page 5).

My System: First noticed on my MacBook Pro using Safari, the same thing occurs on Firefox as well. Also double checked on my iPhone using Safari, and the bug is present there as well.

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 425
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 60
1 Year ago
Sep 28th, 2023 - 5:01 AM
Nr. 2 #46233
Looking into this. Hang tight.
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