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One room a (week) until Cherche releases another house with 10x10 yard (12 Posts and 72 Views)

Jan 25th, 2019
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6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 5:58 AM
Nr. 1 #46302 2
Welcome to ice's thread of making mockups of rooms that will never exist xD

Probably going to forget about this in a month and not post every week lol

As you can definitely tell, I am not a professional decorator, but it's fun so I'll do it anyway!

Sometimes I'd release the design process for the rooms, so you can follow along and see what I was thinking when designing them.

There are going to be some badly edited photos which show items that don't exist yet, I just need them to exist okay

The proportions are gonna be kinda off because I'm just really eyeballing their sizes, but they should resemble how it would be placed in the house.

You can definitely take inspiration from these rooms, but preferably don't copy them lol. Feel free to join in though! (And suggest themes)
icearashi's Signature

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 596
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 84
6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 6:04 AM
Nr. 2 #46303 4
Previous Designs

Nacho Cafe Ground Floor:

Nacho Cafe Second Floor:


Halloween Original:

Halloween Revised 2023:


Sweets/Ice Cream Room: (Yesterday)

Chocolate Room: (Yesterday)

Design Process


Drax Garden:

Drax Room:


Finngriff Room:


Stone Yard:

icearashi's Signature

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 417
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6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 6:21 AM
Nr. 3 #46305 1
Nice Designs. <3

(thanks for your giant suggestion :X)

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 596
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 84
6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 7:48 AM
Nr. 4 #46306

what theme should I do today"

Okay so indoors or outdoors? (I'm not good at doing outdoors, I know these previous designs only show indoors but I have made a very horrible garden before so that's why I say this)

Uh, well, how about both then!


Progress Photos:

Idea 1:

Idea 2:

Which one do you guys like more?

I was gonna update and put drax interior room design here but I think this is getting too long so maybe next post when I finally start on it.
icearashi's Signature

Mar 8th, 2019
Posts: 116
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6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 2:04 PM
Nr. 5 #46307
these are so genius 😩 I'll be following this thread
for the Drax Garden, idea 1 looks very pleasing to the eye, because the cyan/aqua/yellow-toned flower beds compliment the cyan aqua blankets and cyan/aqua/yellow food items, and the bench's yellow flowers. Idea 2 brings a little more life to the scene thanks to the plastic table, chairs and parfait, but it compromises the pleasant look of it ever so slightly. Not too significantly, though! The flowers from the bench become more out of place without the flower beds. The flower beds complimented the bench flowers. On the other hand, the plastic corner fit the picnic blankets a lot. Perhaps it's a question of personal preference. I'd choose the flower bed idea 1 because it looks more balanced.

Your designs are very good!

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 596
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 84
6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 2:42 PM
Nr. 6 #46308
omg I just realised I didn't put back the banana on the path for idea 1, I replaced the photo to add it back in

@TailedThief I agree to what you said about the flower beds complimenting the bench! For me I generally thought the 2nd idea has a lot less yellow and was just less, I guess balanced overall. And plus the person sitting on the porch has a nicer view in idea 1 haha. BK said the same about the plastic chairs section making it seem more inviting, the idea was kinda just like a spot where couples or friends would just sit and hang out there. I mean I tried combining both ideas but as shown in the progress photo, the parfait clashes with the tulips, which wasn't good.

Meanwhile I'm kinda struggling with the drax interior room hah. idk nothing seems to look good for some reason, maybe I shouldn't use aqua walls.
icearashi's Signature

Mar 8th, 2019
Posts: 116
Pixpets: 75
Pixdex: 68
6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 3:09 PM
Nr. 7 #46309
I also thought about combining the plastic corner and tulip beds, then saw you did exactly that in the progress images, and I agree, it doesn't look as good as I hoped

The bananas should stay, they help! Especially in idea 2, to add some yellow accents.
It really is a tough one, because both ideas have their distinct charm. Whoever likes more possibilities for lore should go for idea 2, as it does look good, just different from idea 1 it focuses more on cyan and aqua tones, and has only slight yellow accents, which still keeps to the Drax theme well.

Add in aqua in a different way, then, not via walls. If you put in enough aqua/cyan furniture into the room, then maybe the floor and walls don't need to be very high saturated? Keep playing with it and you'll work something out!

Edit: Cyan Twilight Sky Wallpaper looks gorgeous. Maybe will have the same issue as aqua walls, but it's worth trying.

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 596
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 84
6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 3:29 PM
Nr. 8 #46310
Sorry gonna spoil my drax interior room design here haha. For the room I went for more like a basic theme? idk it's not the right word, but the type that merges kinda newbie looks (since drax is the first pixpet afterall in the dex) with a bit more sophisticated furniture, which is why I chose the brick wall and the most basic flooring.

icearashi's Signature

Mar 8th, 2019
Posts: 116
Pixpets: 75
Pixdex: 68
6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 3:49 PM
Nr. 9 #46311 1
Spoil it! Let people see this goodness unfold! Using a spoiler tag is a good choice πŸ‘Œ

That's such a good idea to recreate the "newbie room" aesthetic! It really fits the theme. For this purpose the Hexabrick aqua wall fits. That orange flooring is probably one of the most colorful orange floors out there, too.

The Twilight skin fits so much... does give it less of a newbie look, but it fits the Southwestern Desert window, and the other furniture adds enough of a "basic" look that it becomes like a 50/50 fancy room with a basic twist.

I'll have to agree, the Cyan and Yellow Wall Paneling skins don't fit the current setup much at all. Maybe the Cyan paneling could work with a different setup, but the yellow paneling does look a little bit too desaturated. Good observations πŸ‘Œ Experimentation is good! It helps to put something directly into the mock-up to know for sure if it'll fit or not.

For now I don't have any more ideas about what to add/adjust, but keep up the good work!

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 596
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 84
6 Months ago
Oct 25th, 2023 - 4:18 PM
Nr. 10 #46312
25/10/23 Part 2

Hi now here's the official live update post to the drax interior room (fancy, I know xD)
I'll keep adding more updates to this post

Gonna rest for now
-Edit 1: I'm back, I don't know what else to do...
icearashi's Signature

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 596
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 84
5 Months ago
Nov 20th, 2023 - 3:11 PM
Nr. 11 #46418
haha I know it has been uh 25 days since the last update
This room I actually started to make it the day after the drax room.

So what theme?

And it should be interior, colour scheme of purple blue magenta yellow.

Part 1

Part 2
icearashi's Signature

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 596
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 84
5 Months ago
Nov 20th, 2023 - 4:21 PM
Nr. 12 #46419 2
On this fine day, I had the idea of:

As to why, I just looked through my decor storage box and saw a small firepit, and I was like hey! That's cool what if I made a yard around that?

Anyway, haven't got a lot of process photos for this one.

icearashi's Signature
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