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"Real Life" Evobars? (4 Posts and 110 Views)

Dec 15th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 4:00 PM
Nr. 1 #2272 3
(Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this--I'm not sure where else it would go.)

I was looking over the ingredients for making evobars and it struck me--I wonder if you could make a real version of them? Keep in mind I'm not much of a cook, but this stuff is getting me curious.

For example, to make a base evobar, you need honey, oatmeal, caramel toffee, and trinuts. Trinuts I'm pretty sure only exist in the world of Pixpet, but all those others are real things--it sounds like it would be a pretty standard oatmeal bar (kinda like the Chewy bars I buy for snacks at work). Though I'm not sure what you would substitute for trinuts... Some other sort of nut, I would assume, like chopped almonds, walnuts, or something--what would taste good in an oatmeal bar?

As for the other types of evobars, looking at the images, it looks like you're adding a coating to the base bar. Obviously we won't need to worry about potions of evolution for the real thing, but the other ingredients are possibly doable if you interpret them more realistically. For example, the tropical bird evobar requires "mini banana puree" and a "petrified coconut salt block," which I think we could pretty easily interpret as a banana and coconut coating. There's also the bear evobar, which requires a honestone salt block (extra honey?) and a bearberry puree (blueberries? blackberries? raspberries?).

There's other evobars of course that would not make good real-life treats if interpreted too literally (such as the feline and bovine ones), so unless you were really creative with it I'm not sure those could be done.

Also looking at the images, the coating seems to be a specific color. That could probably be achieved with some melting candies--you can get them in any nearly shade you can think of at craft stores, or mix them to get the color you want. The wolfdog evobar could be covered in white chocolate, and the western dragon one could be covered in regular (or dark) chocolate.

Wrappers could also be printed if you want to go the extra mile, but I'm not 100% sure what kind of paper you'd want to print on to make sure the treat is still safe to eat after it's been wrapped up (and unwrapped).

I dunno, it just sounded like a fun idea. Anyone here with any experience on making oatmeal bars want to add anything to this?
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Dec 15th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 4:23 PM
Nr. 2 #2274
I love this idea! I enjoy experimenting with weird recipes so I may give it a try next month once I'm back to my own kitchen.
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5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 4:53 PM
Nr. 3 #2282
You supposedly could. I would imagine the only ones that I say would be safe to eat would be the tropical bird, and bear evobar. Honeystone is of course not a real ingredient sadly, but it looks tastier than all the other ingredients. Petrified coconut would probably taste very weird if you somehow got your hands on it. Wouldn't hurt to try though?

So anyway, weird enough. The evobar looks like its based on the oatmeal granola bar. Why?

2 1/2 cups old fashioned rolled oats -->
1/2 cup nuts, roughly chopped -->
1/4 cup unsalted butter & 1 teaspoon vanilla extract -->
1/4 cup honey -->

The recipe Pixpet gives you is way too much honey and not recommended though.

It looks like you melt the oats and nuts together and then put the sweetish ingredients together with it after. Then once its done baking you have the "base" granola bar and can do whatever you want with it. In the recipe it also says to use salt, and if you want to make the granola bars even better you can even use the salt blocks you get which make the taste and cooking the evobars much better. The salt is not really meant for the taste though. The recipe also calls for - you guessed it. Extra ingredients. After 15 minutes it's suggested to then put your extra ingredients in the mixture such as chocolate or in this case the puree you cooked before. Now you have the creamy substance on the outside giving more texture and the sweet nutty & slightly salty ingredients in the inside. Then of course, just put your potions once its all done :p.

Dec 26th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 28th, 2018 - 10:28 PM
Nr. 4 #2738
As far as wrapping your evobar goes, I'd say print some labels on adhesive backed papers (like sticker sheets or something), and wrap your bar in parchment paper, food-safe foil paper (like those used for fancier chocolate bars), cellophane, or foil, and then stick your custom label on top. It's pretty much the kind of packaging you'd use for artisan baked goods or chocolate
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