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How engaging is Pixpet? (52 Posts and 696 Views)
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 2:00 AM
Nr. 41 #4732 6
I have to agree with basically all of what Shepard said.

Also, I can't find myself agreeing with the whole "10$ Patreon supporters get a free rare egg every month" is that not an advantage, as well as affecting the economy of the game? Why are Patreon pledgers exclusively the ones allowed to potentially make more PC than non pledgers (& yet disallowing art shops because "it's unfair advantage")?

edit: I think the playing field is more even now, since with the new update [Jan.10.2018] art shops are allowed and now users have the potential to earn money through that, so previous paragraph is now irrelevant haha

I know it is quite difficult to come up with rewards for RLC spending, so I'm not entirely sure either about a viable solution to make pledging "worth" it. Everyone has a different standard to that so it's not plausible to please your entire paying userbase. It wouldn't be such a problem for me if the reward was account-bound (but then you could get duplicate eggs that you can't get rid of, so not viable), or if the rewards just at least didn't impact the economy of the game. However, if the dev(s) want it to be like a pay-to-enjoy premium subscription game, there is no ill judgement from me, I understand completely. Funds are needed to keep the game alive & continue its active development, games are a business after all.

Honestly the game for f2p players isn't very engaging, and probably won't be for a while, unfortunately. But I'll still stick around to see the game hopefully improve and grow. ^^
Ephemeral's Signature

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Jan 6th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 2:15 AM
Nr. 42 #4735 1
I suppose my first disclaimer should be that, before I ever made an account here, I was made aware that the creator was also behind DragonAdopters, which set my expectations accordingly. I wasn't expecting anything on the level of complexity and interactivity of new-10s adoptables sites such as Flight Rising, and so I can't say I'm disappointed in the level of engagement so far.

I feel very strongly that Pixpet is a throwback to the old early-2000s adoptable clicker sites such as DragCave and DragonAdopters, which were popular because of how common forum communities were around the internet. With such communities either falling out of favor or limiting their features (how many highly-populated websites with forums actually have a signature feature anymore?) I certainly understand how expectations for Pixpet were set up. It's hard to find a place outside the actual Pixpet boards themselves to pose your eggs and creatures, which is how most old clicker adoptables worked. Which is why, I suppose, Pixpet is leaning so heavily on its own forums to use its mechanics.

Is this a bad thing? I suppose that depends on what you want out of the game. If you were burned by other sites like FR and were looking for an alternative, I'm not sure this is what you want. I'm certainly happy with how the site functions so far, and I'm not a Patreon supporter. I'm perfectly content to pop in once, maybe twice a day just to check how my plants and hoards are doing, but that's really it. It's a nice thing to see some slow investment in.

While I have opinions regarding certain mechanics, I don't feel this is the thread for specific suggestions. All I can say is that so far, I enjoy the game, for what little it offers me. I don't feel pressured to keep maintaining something every day, and can pop in whenever I want or have time to without the game or my pets pulling my strings about not engaging enough.
Illkurok's Signature

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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 5:24 AM
Nr. 43 #4758

I think I'm understanding you better now, and in the interest of improving the game, I'm wondering if you have any examples of idle games that you consider good or done properly? Especially in regards to things like waiting times, activities, premium perks/content, etc. And engaging...ness...(engagement?) in general. ^^

Hmm, to be safe, that may need to go in the suggestions/improvements thread if you decide to reply, eheh. I know it's related to this topic, but still not exactly on-topic, and I don't want to possibly get you in trouble with another forum mod. And you can quote me if you like, so people know who sent you to a different thread... xD
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Jan 5th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 11:07 AM
Nr. 44 #4766
I’m probably one of the few users here who thinks pixpet and other websites like it are super engaging. It gives me something to look forward to, and In the past I’ve used these types of websites without even touching the forum in the past and not gotten bored. Obviously this isn’t the kind of game where you stay on it for hours on end but that’s not a bad thing. (I am looking to become more engaged with the community this time around though). Oh and about the forum thing that Illkurok brought up I definitely agree. More and more I feel like forums (and especially the ones formatted like this one) are dying and the functionality of having pets in your signature is nowhere as cool or useable as it was back in the 2000s. Still tho I really enjoy this kind of system and I’m glad to see there still are communities for them.
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 11:43 AM
Nr. 45 #4769
I wouldn't say that this site is super engaging but the question is if it needs to be. Games like this one rarely are, and in my opinion doesn't have to be. This is the type of game you vist a couple of times a day to check on things, look in the forums and maybe post something there.

While I see what people are saying about Patreon supporters having an advantage over free to play players, I personalty don't see that as a huge problem. Sure it would be nice if everyone could stand on equal ground but in the end this is a game, not an arms race. Does it really matter if some people spend money and get things done faster? As long as all things the site has to offer are achievable by any player that is.
I completely understand why some people would get upset by the fact that the Patreon supporter have early access to features, I personally view it as they are paying to be beta testers and making sure that everything will work correctly when the rest of the players get access to the feature. I rather have that then buggy features being released to quickly.

While the game is slow, that doesn't inherently has to be a bad thing. For me personally it is nice to have a game where you can slowly work towards something, making little but steady progress at a time. It is a welcome contrast to a lot of other games where you feel the need to get things done quickly. Sure, there is room for improvement but the site is still new and there is plenty of time for it to improve.

At the moment i feel like the place where this site really shines is the forums. Now a drays it's rare to find a relatively small community full of nice people. Almost every time i go the the forums i recognize most of the people who has been posting. It's nice to see that most of the time there are som new posts and topics but not an overwhelming amount that you see on bigger sites like for example Flight Rising where the community is much larger (i love the FR community, don't get me wrong).

To sum up this mass of text: this type of game doesn't necessarily have to be engaging in that sense and can afford to have a slow pace.

I can see myself staying here for a very long time.
cynderplayer's Signature

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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 1:15 PM
Nr. 46 #4785 3

First I want to say that I'm glad that you people took the time to analyse pixpet so much and write and contribute a lot to this topic. Which means that you care! :)

As mentioned, Pixpet is not supposed to be a game you spend three hours in a row grinding stuff with minigames etc. It is supposed to be something you check thorough the day, a lightweight browsergame. However this doesn't mean it can't develop into another direction in the future!

Also we're still just at the beginning and I am working hard right now on new features contributing to the "Network" part in the Pixpet name. It is very important for me to build a site that not only relies on the game but also on the community and their contributions. I would like to inspire people to be creative, use their imagination and create things around Pixpet. After upgrades in trading features (which are on the way), I will add new ways for customizing Userpages (Planned are: User descriptions, Pixpet Descriptions, User Gallery and maybe a comment feature for userpages). However it is not supposed to be a social network in the generic sense, but more a network of people with the same interests (like most forums used to be).

I'm aware that the times have changed and that linking stuff in signatures is not really the biggest thing anymore. But that is why is is also not super encouraged or a necessity to do.

As for Patreon. I'm convinced that Pixpet should not be labeled as "Pay to Win" because when it comes to rewards, they are limited to once a month per person. As for the pixpet tickets, since it is not possible to exchange them into Pixcoins they also do not contribute too much. However I agree that a balance is needed and the future will show where this balance will or must be. Also there is not really a huge competitive level in the game in the first place. And please understand that Pixpet is a full time job for me and in the long term I'm in need of fundings, otherwise it's not going to work out.


Dec 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 5:14 PM
Nr. 47 #4817 5
I'm gonna go ahead and chime in as someone who hasn't played very much of this game yet (for reasons):

Part of why I can't find the motivation to keep playing this game very much currently (and I say "currently" with a hopeful outlook on the future), is because I really don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I started this game without any kind of Patreon reward, and feel like I have a massive disadvantage over people who paid.

The waiting periods for every single step along the way are pretty demotivating, and make even checking into the site for just a little bit somewhat tedious and not very engaging. (This is my main problem actually; I feel the site is really trying to get people to spend RLC to shorten waiting like a lot of mobile games do.)

There's a difference between spending RLC for certain special rewards, and spending RLC to even be able to play the game at an enjoyable (if casual!) pace, and unfortunately I feel pixpets is currently the latter.

That being said, I do enjoy some of the gameplay mechanics, but hope there will be at least some changes made to cooldowns and the like.
Autopilot's Signature
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 6:07 PM
Nr. 48 #4829 4
I completely agree with Shepard and I don't think I could've said it better.

Personally, I don't find the game engaging. I get that it's supposed to be slow paced, but having to wait over a day to get only PC from a board, come on. The whole planting feature too, you gotta wait so long for something to grow and although the water times are long, since there's not much to do in the site, it's really easy to forget about them and when you realize you lost a couple grade points. I know that it's the player's responsibility but you can't deny it's not entirely our fault. And even though the game is incredibly slow, if you're not constantly on top you get behind really fast. Some people have said there's not really a competition, but there definitely is.

I get that the game is in its early stages and I might be a bit too harsh but I don't really see myself staying on for much longer.
Swar's Signature
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 11:03 PM
Nr. 49 #4883 3
Anyway, I want to put my two pixcoins into this :

Pixpet isn't really the most engaging site - but it'll get there. I think part of the reason is that the whole site is pretty much on a timeframe except for the forums. Hoards, cultivation, cooking, pixpet eggs, and even auctions. I love the slow pace idea Komodo is going for, but if someone wants to go a little faster. It should be allowed. Plants take way too long to get products from them and grow. The game in its current state makes it feel like 3 days is not a lot.

About the patreon, I don't think it is pay to win at all and this is coming from a non-patreon user. In fact, I'm grateful on how this site takes that approach. The currency cannot be traded into PC which is pretty nice. If Pixpet tickets or SPC do become available in other ways in small amounts, it would be good enough for me. The price tag, is relatively small: If you pay $10 you could do 11 automatic hoards and get a free rare pixpet egg once a month - which isn't all pay to win to me.

However I agree that a rare pixpet egg should only be a one time and thats it like noo-long. Otherwise, it should probably be in tiers 4-6. $10 for a rare pixpet egg a month is really harmful to the current pixpet economy.

Jan 10th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 12th, 2019 - 3:14 AM
Nr. 50 #5175
It's a nice game to check now and then when I get bored. Doesn't take a lot of effort necessarily, which is nice. It does seem kind of hard to make money so far but maybe I'm missing something?
Andromeda's Signature
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5 Years ago
Jan 16th, 2019 - 4:01 AM
Nr. 51 #5821
I do see myself to be on here for a while, since i have nostalgia from Dragonadopters. I do want to see where this goes in further developments, since i know this has so much potential!

Jan 10th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 16th, 2019 - 5:42 AM
Nr. 52 #5827 2
Coming from somebody who loves the pet site games that you spend hours on like Neopets and Flight Rising, I enjoy Pixpets quite a bit! It's a simple game with bright colors and cute graphics that you check through the day and that's about it. Which is perfectly fine and not for everyone.

The limited ways to make money make me feel like a kid in a candy store. Did you ever have that time as a kid where you got money on your birthday or maybe your parents would let you buy something when they would drag you to Walmart after picking you up from school and your mind would swirl with possibilities? Maybe you could that new game you saw on TV. Or maybe you have enough to buy a toy AND a candy bar!
Even though it can be aggravating sometimes, it makes each purchase feel rewarding, and watching my collection of items and pets grow over time is rewarding to me. When it eventually turns into a nearly complete Pixdex and Riverside Mansion I can't help but let the capitalist collecting demon crawl out from within me and scream, "MORE. WE NEED MORE FURNITURE. MORE PLANTS. ANOTHER MANSION. MAKE A WHOLE MANSION FILLED WITH TROFFINCH."

I feel like people forget that this is the kind of game where you make your own fun. Imagining the dynamic between your pets and their environment. Your Troffinch keeps bringing home furniture from hoards so you have the idea of a little bird obsessed with interior design. That in turns leads to the mental image of your Pixpet losing his mind while you place lucky soup all over your apartment.

You don't know how the cooking works quite yet so as a result you end up making sugar cubes and water flasks. You find out how to place items in your Usershop, you fill it with Jars of Air. You take it farther and make a Jar of Air advertisement featuring your goofy OC because the whole idea is silly.

I can see how people could be here for community or out of nostalgia, but me personally, I'm here to find some creativity and make myself laugh.
And I'm having a great time.
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