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Where to find pumpkins? (3 Posts and 51 Views) (Closed)

Dec 24th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 13th, 2019 - 12:38 PM
Nr. 1 #9411
Hello! I was wondering if there's a certain kind of pet I should be sending out to find pumpkins? I haven't gotten seeds in a very long time and I can't send my pets out anymore with the exception of my newly hatched kiddo who won't find anything anyways. I looked on the auction house but last time I checked there were only 3 listings and all for extremely low grades. There's gotta be more ways to find pumpkins, right? It can't just be rng hitting me at this point, its been ages now and I'm finding tons of other seeds. D:
timeblitz's Signature

Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 13th, 2019 - 12:44 PM
Nr. 2 #9412 1

Hiya! You can find plant/pumpkin seeds on hoards, especially with the aid of Seed Potions, but if you're in particular looking for pumpkin seeds reliably, interact with eggs! Interacting with eggs is guaranteed to give you some number of pumpkin seeds of a random grade. c: The colour is also random, but if you're just looking for food, it's a good way to get your pumpkin seed storage back up!

Doing the pet lotto has a chance to give you food pellets, but you also run the risk of getting plant seeds and PC, so I would definiately recommend interacting with some eggs! There is a Hatchery thread in the General Discussion that I use when I need some eggs to pat. c:

Valtien's Signature
I go by Valtien or Weisk!toyhouse | Weisk#1530

Jan 25th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 19th, 2019 - 12:33 PM
Nr. 3 #10212
@timeblitz yep, lottery is a good place to get some seeds!
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