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OpenLycan's Shelter (Pseudotail Adoptables) (149 Posts and 1821 Views)
Topic Tags: adopt, adoptables, Pseudotail

Dec 4th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 11th, 2019 - 12:29 AM
Nr. 21 #12759

Thank you for visiting and adopting at Lycan's shelter! I've added both of you to the pending list. Please be patient as these Pseudotails get comfortable with their tails.

And thank you for helping out MaudFS before I could, GreySkyMorning!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
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Jul 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 11th, 2019 - 4:04 PM
Nr. 22 #12833
Would it be too crazy to ask to adopt the other two available babies? I think I'm becoming a pseudotail hoarder... they own me now. I may be a frequent customer...

Edit: You should definitely change the price to at least 10, it's more than worth it. 5 pc for these cute little dudes is a massive undersell. They deserve more!
GreySkyMorning's Signature
Help out my babies? (Only removed from sig when fully grown)

Dec 4th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 12th, 2019 - 12:55 AM
Nr. 23 #12871

Yes. Yes it is crazy. But crazy is what's up!
I'll take 'em off the list. I didn't know they have hypnotizing powers! Lol
AND I'll be here waiting for ya!

I priced it in compare to the other art stores I saw so I first thought 10 was probably too much for this little simple pixel pal compared to sketches and large scale drawings. Maybe I'll raise the price in the future when I get better at grooming them to look nicer. So right now, I think 5 is good enough. Thank you so much for your words! I really appreciate it!! It makes me super happy and relieved that people like them.
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
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Jan 30th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2019 - 1:35 AM
Nr. 24 #12990

I honestly saw them on your profile and was intrigued, I think it's a neat idea. I am with GreySky in thinking that the price is currently quite low, hence my higher offer. But then again that was a factor for why I asked for a commission, it wasn't some multi-hundred pc charge, but something far more compact and imo personalized. I love the idea.
Saneity's Signature
If I just knew how to draw British soldiers riding camels, I could die happy.

Dec 4th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2019 - 2:29 AM
Nr. 25 #12991

I hope... It is worthy... Of your liking...

I struggled on how to make the space suit look and I double checked your form a few times to make sure I hit the details. If anything is off, I'll be happy to do it!
Also, to answer your previous questions (I totally missed them.. I'm on my phone a lot so I miss a lot of things in big bodies of text):
I'll post the pictures here and keep them on my imgur account and I won't ever delete them but you can download them yourselves to make sure you never lose it or imgur disappears. Also, for crediting.. You can just credit to my Lycan Pixpet account.

I'm glad you like my adoptables as well Saneity! I'm glad the low price encouraged you to adopt one. That was one of my intentions for the low price as well. I had low expectations for myself.. Hahahah! And besides, so far everyone who've ordered one gave more than the actual price anyway which has also made me happy! So thank you very much for your kind words!!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
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Jan 30th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2019 - 5:10 AM
Nr. 26 #12997
That is so incredibly cool. Ty so much!
As for small edits,
- If you brighten the color of the pseudotail a bit so the purple is more pronounced.
- I'm wondering how it'd look with an actual gloved hand at the end of that arm.
- And if you think it looks good, cut away the fire that's on the right side, looking as though it's from the psuedotail as the suit is where the fire is coming from. I do like the fire that's on the psuedotail itself though.

I will say, the former owner of that suit is T H I C C.
I'll count that as 2 large edits, so another 10 pc is what I'll send you right now for your time.
Again, thank you so much! It looks reaaaaally cool as it is.
Saneity's Signature
If I just knew how to draw British soldiers riding camels, I could die happy.

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
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Pixdex: 62
5 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2019 - 10:43 PM
Nr. 27 #13117

If there's a laughing crying dragon icon, I meant to put that here but I couldn't find it. Your comment made me laugh pretty hard. I just thought spacesuits were huge in general. XD And thank you so much for the extra! Here are the edits!

This purple definitely looks better!

*drum roll*

I hope you like it! Connecting the butts at the right angle was pretty stressful... Lol. If the ears aren't good enough, just let me know. Or anything actually. I feel like the reddish brown might not be right... I tried color dropping right from your colored text so lemme know if that needs adjusting too..
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
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Jul 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2019 - 11:05 PM
Nr. 28 #13119
Quote by: @Lycan
*drum roll*

I hope you like it! Connecting the butts at the right angle was pretty stressful... Lol. If the ears aren't good enough, just let me know. Or anything actually. I feel like the reddish brown might not be right... I tried color dropping right from your colored text so lemme know if that needs adjusting too..

Aaaaahhhhh they're both adorable!! I love them!

They're beautiful. I'll send over 25 - 5 extra for the second version baby!

Edit: I have decided that they are fraternal twins and were given identical teddy bears. The bears have the first letter of their names stitched on one of the paws so they never forgot whose was whose before they attached them. I love them both.
GreySkyMorning's Signature
Help out my babies? (Only removed from sig when fully grown)

Dec 4th, 2018
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Pixdex: 62
5 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2019 - 11:47 PM
Nr. 29 #13121 1
Thank you thank you!! I'm so glad you love them~~
Their background story is adorable!! And I love visiting your profile btw~ The Pseudotails seem to be enjoying themselves on your page. xD
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
Early Adopter

Jul 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2019 - 12:10 AM
Nr. 30 #13124
Quote by: @Lycan
And I love visiting your profile btw~ The Pseudotails seem to be enjoying themselves on your page. xD

All pseudotails are welcome to stop by the Misfit Pack headquarters for snacks and head rubs!
GreySkyMorning's Signature
Help out my babies? (Only removed from sig when fully grown)
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Jan 30th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2019 - 12:14 AM
Nr. 31 #13125
Thanks so much! I shall be back for more of these amazing creatures soon.
Saneity's Signature
If I just knew how to draw British soldiers riding camels, I could die happy.
Early Adopter

Jan 30th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 17th, 2019 - 11:51 PM
Nr. 32 #13558
Could I adopt another?
Name: Saneity
Face: E
Tail: A weathered sign, that says
The End

in dark grey letters. The sign itself is a dirty white. Some of the right-most letters are hidden behind the Psuedotail.
Colors/Patterns: Light and dark grey stripes, with dull pink scars.
Other: One eye is covered by a scar and an ear looks like it's been gnawed on.
Payment: PC master race.

Saneity's Signature
If I just knew how to draw British soldiers riding camels, I could die happy.

Dec 26th, 2018
Posts: 325
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Pixdex: 59
5 Years ago
Mar 18th, 2019 - 8:46 AM
Nr. 33 #13613
Name: Kyrie
Face: F
Tail: A purple echeveria (reference) with a few more smaller succulents near the base (up to your interpretation)
Colors/Patterns: shades of mid to dark green, with some fading to purple-ly details
Other: Purple eyes (matching the succulent), cat-like ears!
Payment: PC

Is it alright to order multiple at a time if you have free slots? It'd be nice to get a set of 3 from you! (If not, ignore this part and I'll come back at another time with more orders)
Kyrie's Signature

Flightrising: Kyrie
Recolor: Kyrie
GaiaOnline: theblackhayate
Tumblr: princesspetch
Toyhouse: MapleToffee

Dec 4th, 2018
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Pixdex: 62
5 Years ago
Mar 18th, 2019 - 3:40 PM
Nr. 34 #13634
Heyya Maud! Sorry for the long wait! Your Pseudotail has successfully attached to the fluorite tower crystal and it looks ecstatic to have it!

Yes. Yes you can adopt another. I'll add your name to the list! Welcome back!

Since there's space, I'll fill them up with your name! I love succulents!!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
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Dec 22nd, 2017
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5 Years ago
Mar 18th, 2019 - 8:23 PM
Nr. 35 #13655
I'm so glad to see it! It looks great, I can't wait to put it on my page!~ Thank you!
MaudFS's Signature

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5 Years ago
Mar 18th, 2019 - 8:55 PM
Nr. 36 #13661
Saniety and Kyrie's 3 leave one more open slot, right? I'd like another! It'd likely take time if you decide to include the 'bonuses', so I don't mind being last anyway...

In honor of my love of Christmas time... a Christmas-y Psuedotail to add some cheer the whole year!

Name: GreySkyMorning
Face: G
Tail: a coil of glowing Christmas lights, plugged right into the lil guys butt, lol
Colors/Patterns: Dark green, like pine tree green, with white paws and little white dots all over them, like falling snow
Other: if these can be included, that would be amazing, but they're not necessary if you can't!
- Wearing a santa hat, but with a little glowing/shining star instead of the white puffy ball on the end
- a small present (decorated however you see fit) sitting beside/partly in front of it
- a 'necklace' of gold tinsel (which can likely just be drawn as a thick normal line, really)
Payment: PC! 15 for the base, 5 for each 'bonus' little accessory, and 5 for each/any edits! If you do include all 3 bonuses, I'm more than happy to bump it up to 40 pc, not even including edits!
GreySkyMorning's Signature
Help out my babies? (Only removed from sig when fully grown)

Dec 26th, 2018
Posts: 325
Pixpets: 222
Pixdex: 59
5 Years ago
Mar 18th, 2019 - 11:14 PM
Nr. 37 #13678
Yay! Should I send the payment now then?
Kyrie's Signature

Flightrising: Kyrie
Recolor: Kyrie
GaiaOnline: theblackhayate
Tumblr: princesspetch
Toyhouse: MapleToffee

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
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Pixdex: 62
5 Years ago
Mar 19th, 2019 - 1:18 AM
Nr. 38 #13690
LOL, good thing they attach their tail by themselves. I've added you to the list! I think those extras will be doable. I'll probably DM you if I have questions.

You can send the payment whenever. I don't ask for it right away since I take a while to actually finish the order..
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Dec 26th, 2018
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Pixdex: 59
5 Years ago
Mar 19th, 2019 - 1:24 AM
Nr. 39 #13691
I'll send it over now so I won't forget! Thanks in advance!
Kyrie's Signature

Flightrising: Kyrie
Recolor: Kyrie
GaiaOnline: theblackhayate
Tumblr: princesspetch
Toyhouse: MapleToffee

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
Pixpets: 203
Pixdex: 62
5 Years ago
Mar 23rd, 2019 - 8:35 PM
Nr. 40 #14265
And thanks Kyrie! (Sorry for not pinging.. I don't wanna bother you just to check for a thank you message...)

Here ya go! This little one looks like it had a tough life..
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
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