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OpenLycan's Shelter (Pseudotail Adoptables) (149 Posts and 1821 Views)
Topic Tags: adopt, adoptables, Pseudotail

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
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5 Years ago
Jul 25th, 2019 - 5:42 AM
Nr. 61 #24940
@Ricohard Yes! I usually end up taking a long time trying to get these lil fellas done. My art skills aren't that great. :P
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Jun 1st, 2019
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4 Years ago
Sep 26th, 2019 - 11:36 PM
Nr. 62 #29481
Still making pseudotails?
Ricohard's Signature
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Dec 22nd, 2017
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4 Years ago
Sep 27th, 2019 - 12:02 AM
Nr. 63 #29482
I'd like to adopt another Pseudotail if you're still making them!
Name: MaudFS
Face: F
Tail: A long snake-like tail, rainbow colored
Colors/Patterns: Black and white body with Pink eyes, nose and paws
Other: Could it have a pink or rainbow collar? (like a cat or dog collar)
Payment: PC! (I am willing to pay more for the collar accessory)
MaudFS's Signature


Dec 4th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Sep 27th, 2019 - 8:30 PM
Nr. 64 #29530
I'd like to say I'm still making them if they're requested, but at the same time, I must admit they're last on my to do list. Tis the season for me to concentrate on my schoolwork so it'll take time before I find enough free time to finish them. It depends on my mood as well.

Heyyoo! Welcome back! If you don't mind the wait, I'll get to it for your Pseudotail! I also love that drawing you did of your pseudotail on your DA. It is super cute!!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
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Dec 22nd, 2017
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4 Years ago
Sep 27th, 2019 - 8:53 PM
Nr. 65 #29531 1
Thank you! I certainly don't mind, and good luck with your schoolwork as well. I can go ahead and send the payment now as well, if you want. ^_^
MaudFS's Signature


Dec 4th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Oct 25th, 2019 - 2:24 AM
Nr. 66 #30980 1
Here are your result(s)!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!
Early Adopter

Dec 22nd, 2017
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4 Years ago
Oct 25th, 2019 - 4:37 AM
Nr. 67 #30983 1
Eeee~ It's great! I'm going to draw them soon, I think I'll name this one Charm! Thanks again!
MaudFS's Signature


Oct 2nd, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 5th, 2019 - 7:26 PM
Nr. 68 #31637
Wait, the psuedotails are only 10pc? Can I adopt the Halloween one??

Dec 4th, 2018
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Pixdex: 62
4 Years ago
Nov 5th, 2019 - 7:33 PM
Nr. 69 #31639
Quote by: @AmorphousShadow
Wait, the psuedotails are only 10pc? Can I adopt the Halloween one??

Yes you can! Just send over the adoption fee and I'll remove the Pseudotail from the adoption list.
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Dec 31st, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jan 7th, 2020 - 10:42 PM
Nr. 70 #33513
Do you ever plan to reopen this shop? The thread title says closed but I keep seeing these guys around the site and I'd love to get one some day.
NuVonde's Signature
nove | he / him | ???

Jan 3rd, 2020
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4 Years ago
Feb 11th, 2020 - 3:42 AM
Nr. 71 #34549
Hi! I really don't know if there is open yet, but.. here is! If you're not open for that commisions, just reply me and I'll understand ^^

Name: monet
Face: f?
Tail: A classic feather pen ( I don't know to write this in English. Am I correct?)
Colors/Patterns: dark gray with an big red spot on the eye and paws, and a pattern who remembers an Suit or vest? ( And the eye can be green!)
Other: could he have a purple bowl?
Payment: PC!

If you accept and do my pseudotail, can I Redraw too and make him like... A furry? And post on Instagram (With wour credits)?
FenixDoDia's Signature
@FenixDoDia here uwu

Can you help my babies grow please ? click the icons below! It helps me so much!


Oct 29th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Oct 30th, 2020 - 9:29 PM
Nr. 72 #37838
i hope you'll reopen soon! i definitely want a pseudotail someday! :)
aztectiere's Signature
hey im aztec!
i really enjoy this game :)
feel free to message me!!

Dec 4th, 2018
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3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 9:33 PM
Nr. 73 #39037 1
Hiyoo! It's been a while and I've been hesitant on reopening because I get easily distracted.. But I decided to just do some requests here and there if I get any. So...


Pinging so you know.

Edit: I didn't mean to ignore the other two who have asked about the Pseudotails.. It's just been a while since they've been on. So just in case FenixDoDia and aztectiere returns, I'd love to make ya'll one! I'm not sure about NuVonde though.. If you see this, I'd love to make you one too!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Apr 28th, 2020
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Pixdex: 42
3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 10:10 PM
Nr. 74 #39038
aY AYYY IM HyPED :DDDDDDD im tote snatching up some bebes uwu

Name: compost
Face: C
Tail: a tire with plants growing in it
Colors/Patterns: earthy shades with warm highlights. i trust u with the actual patterned uwu
Other: some sorta plant on head

Name: byteie
Face: F, white eyes/no puple
Tail: USB drive
Colors/Patterns: circuit marks in neons
Other: long ears

Name: raVe
Face: any
Tail: glowsticks
Colors/Patterns: any-glowey tho
Other: fold ears

Name: buzzboiz
Face: any- bug eyes if possible?
Tail: flyswatter
Colors/Patterns: any
Other: bugs flying around him, he a hive mind uwu

Name: eddi
Face: E
Tail: lightbulb
Colors/Patterns: any
Other: really fluffy boi

Name: blingk
Tail: mirror
Colors/Patterns: any
Other: tons of jewelry

This mingt be too many but I'm hype like i said, I've seen Pseudotails floating around and I love them! /w\ dot feel pressured to do them all, but I am willing to pay X2 the going rate or even trade some art uwu

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
Pixpets: 203
Pixdex: 62
3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 10:35 PM
Nr. 75 #39040 1
Ooh wow! Hey there @pio! I'm glad you're excited about adopting some Pseudotails!! :DDD

I've looked through your forms and I must say, sounds interesting and fun!
The first one sounds like a real challenge but I've just figured something out for it!
I'll also probably work on them in pairs for now and see if there are others lining up for some adoptions. Also, do you have a specific USB look you'd like?

And thanks for your interest in Pseudotails!! :D
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Apr 28th, 2020
Posts: 168
Pixpets: 99
Pixdex: 42
3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 10:38 PM
Nr. 76 #39041
one of those stick ones that have the plastic caseing but I want the metal nub to show uwu and YAYYYyYY :DDccc

Dec 4th, 2018
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3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 10:44 PM
Nr. 77 #39042
@pio, sorry for being so technical.. Do you have a specific kind of tire in mind as well...? I can also surprise you if you'd like that.
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Apr 28th, 2020
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Pixdex: 42
3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 10:46 PM
Nr. 78 #39043
i was just think car, but a surprise sounds neet :0c

Dec 4th, 2018
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3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 10:50 PM
Nr. 79 #39044
Perfect! A surprise it is! I hope to not disappoint! Feel free to ask for changes if they're subpar.
I'm nitpicky myself so I believe everyone deserves to get satisfactory!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Nov 20th, 2020
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Pixdex: 97
3 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2021 - 11:49 PM
Nr. 80 #39046
@Lycan Wow!! You're open again!! Thx so much for pinging me, I'm pumped and ready to adopt one! or more! One question before I start: how do you put the pseudotail on your userpage?
ravenhelm's Signature
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