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Jul 14th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Aug 22nd, 2019 - 11:07 PM
Nr. 15 #27298
Quote by: @MiezMiez
Quote by: @Yubelchen
How about instead of buying a certain amount of land, you buy just a plot you have to upgrade?

All houses you can buy can be put in categories.

Small (2 house parts)
Medium (4-5 house parts)
Large (6-7 house parts)

So you can only place a small house first and if you want a bigger one, you have to upgrade the plot first, this would make it easier and would not over complicate things, for users & devs alike.

I'm don't know if this is easier to implement but for me personally I find this version more complicated^^' I think just comparing two numbers (number of land you have left and number of land a new houses takes up) is much more straight forward.

The purpose of the land costing pc is so that people don't use the houses as additional storage. So the important thing is that the cost correlates to the size of all rooms combined instead of just the number of rooms^^. For instance a villa is much bigger than a apartment even though it has only one room more^^

So it could be done with plots but the upgrades should really be for almost every house.

The biggest downside I see with this is that it is less flexible for players. If you had a second villa and you want to go back to having two farmhouses instead.. you will have to buy and upgrade another plot to place both of them, whereas if you just have a certain amount of land you can remove your villa and just place the two farmhouses^^

It would acually be the same as i cant imagine that a villa would take up more land that two farms (with barn included!) with just 3 more rooms. So either way you are forced to upgrade land/plot, if we go with RL standards. The graphic of the house doesnt really fit anything you would call a villa, its more a school or a large apartment building from the looks of it?

Also it should be logical that a smaller house fits in a larger plot, so upgrading all your plots is the way to go anyway (which should be able to be done while the house is placed), should have made that clear.

On that note: An apartment lacks the width of a villa but has more hight, RL again, so you can place more apartments than anything else and end up with MUCH more land left & numbers of rooms to decorate, as pumpkin/plant/pixpet spots dont matter.

Again, with RL standards as if we go with house parts a villa is equal to an apartment, as the difference is just one house part.
But if you could have 9 villas which have 63 house parts, you can have 10 apartments which take 60 house parts and dont get me started with the Starter House & any 2 house parts house xD Oh my Grima!

This might create a shortage of apartments/smaller houses when players want more rooms to have them themed instead of space to play with and overuse them as storage, as everyone will fear.

(using RL because we all can play with that)

Both has pros and cons, but different ways of implementing it helps polish the general idea i think as we should figure out the most perfect way to balance it.

Which brings me to a few question:
How many houses should you be able to have, whats the limit?
Is there a general limit of land?
How much in villas, as they are the biggest house we can currently have?
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