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Member Early Adopter Patreon Supporter Apr 8th, 2018 Posts: 80 Pixpets: 285 Pixdex: 165 | 6 Years ago Jan 5th, 2019 - 10:07 PM Nr. 18 #4247 These are so fun!! :D -------- Inanna’s Journal: I am told my hatching took place at the beginning of a new year, but the few days I have been around feel like they already could be a year. When I hatched, I was male, but Schnecco wanted me to be female like her last Indigoat, so she gave me a bright green potion to drink. My first instinct was that it looked unnatural, like a poison, but I didn’t have much choice, so I drank it anyway. It was really strong, and the taste overwhelmed my senses for a few moments. When I became aware again, I was female. I was only male for a few seconds, so I don’t remember much about it. I am not sure what difference it actually makes, but I never want to drink that potion again. I was outside in a small green yard, and was ready to go exploring, but instead of letting me go out, Schnecco sent Noo-Long Vasuki on the next hoard. Vasuki does not have a gender. They are very kind and gentle for being so big, but I haven’t spent a lot of time with them. Vasuki and my other sibling, a Feliphene named Alasdair, are gone almost all the time. Sometimes the two of them barely even rest when they come home because Schnecco gives them a bright blue potion that fills them with energy so they can leave on adventures again right away. They seem to like it much better than I liked the green potion. When they are home and not asleep, they sometimes tell me about the things they have seen on their hoards and show me what they bring back. I wonder when I will be allowed to go on my first hoard. Right now, I mainly keep Schnecco company while she is at work, which is a lot of the time. I also like to go to the market and see what pretty things others are selling, but sometimes the bidding makes me nervous. I try to look at the prices to help mind our small shop, and it is fun when someone comes in to buy things, but most of the time running the shop is pretty boring. So is tending to the plants. I spend too much time looking at the flowers on our two plants, willing them to grow, but they take forever! Recently, I’ve had really bad luck with the pumpkin patch, as the last three harvests gave only one flower. Alasdair and Vasuki won’t be too pleased when they return from their next hoard and see how low the food supply has gotten. I’ve heard that there is a Noo-Long gardener named Vermicelli; maybe I should ask them for some pointers some time. |
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