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Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 21st, 2019 - 2:19 AM
Nr. 246 #6518

I understand that it is frustrating, but I would also try to remember that the site is pretty darn brand new. While it was in closed beta (for patreon users) prior to going live, I would guess a lot of the beta work was focused on making sure things weren't horribly bugged and could run properly. There is probably still a lot of work to be done on ironing out smaller kinks, and figuring out better ways to do a tutorial for new players.

At this stage it's really important to present issues you have in a constructive way, but also suggest how things could be done better, or how you would have liked to see a certain thing done that would have made things easier.

For example;

"I didn't realize that interacting with eggs gave you a large amount of pumpkin seeds. Prior to this, I was running out and was out of pixpet food. I think the tutorial should explain exactly what interacting with eggs/pets gives you to help alleviate the confusion I experienced."

"I planted my first pumpkin/plant before realizing that I can combine seeds to make them higher grade due to how the tutorial is laid out. I think the tutorial should explain combining seeds before how to plant pumpkins/plants."


At the moment, Pixpet is just run by Komodo coding wise and I'm sure he has a lot on his plate right now! I'm sure in the future the tutorial will change/be improved upon, but seeing as we're playing a very new website, I think it's important that we're understanding and patient with a lot of this stuff.
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I go by Valtien or Weisk!toyhouse | Weisk#1530
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