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Jul 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Apr 6th, 2019 - 8:49 AM
Nr. 13 #16017
Personally, I loved the Eragon movie. It's one of the only like, 2 movies I've ever excitedly seen in theaters more than once. It does help that Garret Hedlund is hot I also love the Twilight series and movies. I'm not a very critical person... usually. If I don't like something everyone else is rallying against as well, chances are it's really bad.

But BRO. I love SO many series I can't list them all. My current series obsession is All For The Game. The Foxhole Court, The Raven King, and The King's Men.

Let me warn you, all 3 books should be stamped with trigger warnings everywhere, and chapter 11 of The Raven King might just eat you alive even if you're not much a trigger-sensitive person, but they're... so good. I will scream my love for Andrew Minyard from every rooftop within 10 miles for at least half an hour straight per roof.

And the author is really active with the fans and answers tons of questions on her tumblr blog, bless her.
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